I'm probably won't stick with it cuz of the lazyness but i got time now so there...


Just Some Simpson Trailers


Life According to Sy

Like you know ppl around the world are divided to groups.
Everybody loves different things.
So all you ever thought about till now is wrong.
It doesn't matter if you have right or left opinions.
Or even if pro abortion or not.
The Only thing is this:

Do you eat meat or you love sweets?
Friends or Seinfeld?
You like chocolate or vanilla?
So which person are you?

Just so you know... you can feel, do and have other stuff, but if you and your other half don't see eye to eye in those thing, it won't work.
Vanilla loving guys can't ever date chocolate girls, it's just isn't it.
Sorry. Maybe Next Time.


A minor spelling error

The chick from the marines, (although she's a chick) is an officer.
Not just any officer but a Lieutenant.
My appologies.

P.S Rest in Kin - and i will not change it


How my digital camera got to Iraq...

This is a true story about what could have been my new digital camera (canon A630) and how it got to Iraq.

So about a two weeks ago i talked to this guy and asked him if he know somebody in the US who can buy my a digital camera.
He said he knows some chick in the marines there. They used to date.
She was suppose to pass in my country before being post in a new base for few months.
Of course i asked he to find if she can buy me this cam. She said yes.

After about a week they informed my the she bought the camera and that she needs to get that in the next few days.
A day after she got reassigned to Iraq and not going to come home for at least 6 months.
Which mean Digi (my cam) will not come. And it might die there.
It could get killed from a roadside charge (side bomb). Or the chick from the marines get shot and Digi will be send to her rest in kin.

So next time you want other ppl to buy you stuff in other countries...
Just say no.
Or fly there yourselves.
Digi will not see home, ever.
Are you sure you want to do it to your camera?