Sickness as the new Diet
Forget about pills and stuff like that. Forget about eating only some things and not others.
You don't need to start exercising. You don't have too eat less or right.
The new and improved way to lose weight is:
Get Sick!
That's it. Very simple, most effective. Some even say bulletproof.
Well there are down sides to that, but in the overall it's much better than all of those diets out there. You get up in the morning, sick, and you got all the day for yourself.
No work. No people. No food.
Just sitting home doing what ever you want.
You can watch TV all day. Surf the internet for your amusement. Talk on the phone with anyone.
Just make sure you're sick enough not to eat, but able to do other stuff.
This will give you more options like travel. Visiting friends you haven't seen in months. Or hang with those you saw couple of days ago, but want to see them more.
It won't be long till you see results. On the second or third day you will see that you lost weigh.
So why make yourself start counting calories or thinking about what pill when?
The most humane thing to do is get sick.
Give it a try, what do you got to lose. :D
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