I'm probably won't stick with it cuz of the lazyness but i got time now so there...


Me Against Prison Break

Like most people already know, the second season just ended in the beginning of April.

Now i won't say that series sucked, because most people I've talked to said they couldn't stop watching it.
It doesn't mean it's good. Oz was good. Prison break was nice. That's it.

Yes i know, Scofield is hot. Some girls started to watch it because of him, but continue because it's good.

I've been watching all the 2 seasons in about a week and half. And all i have to say is that there are too many twists, and sometimes i even knew their text before they say it.

Prison break isn't a bad series. I will say it again. But it's just ain't that good.

The fact that the killed lots of people gave them credit in my book.
I'm all in for the kill. That part was good.

Some even compare it to Oz. Now why you wanna go and do such a stupid move.
If you're stupid just don't say anything, but this is borderline with blaspheme (well not really, but i just wanted to say it).

I'm waiting for the third season like the next guy. But to say i can't wait, that's too much. There are other much better series that i want to watch much more.

Got me only one really big problem. Haywire.
He was great. I loved how he played the insane person.
That was good acting. But why go and letting him die?
I mean the character had so much potential. Damn it.

The ending of the second season was also good. It gave so much possibilities for the next one. And i know some people didn't like it.
But i just hope it will be better than the last two, cause although they was OK, it could have been much much better.


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