How I Almost Died/Made Some Chick Get Killed
It was the early morning of April 19th. We were having a party for me, cause i left the work place for good. It's a standard to do a party when someone is quitting. We don't like that job much.
So it around 3 in the morning of Thursday, when we all got out of the pub and haded home.
We parked close so my brother, his friend and myself got to the car. I was driving.
At the end of the one way street there's a traffic light and a car was there before me.
It was red, so all was fine. Than it turned green but the car before me didn't start driving.
Of course i flicker with the lights, but still they didn't drive. That's when i turned into severe measures. I honked.
That's when they decided to move (slowly i might add). At that time a taxi came from the right and was driving strait in a red light.
The cab hit the front of the car before me. Not something serious. but it cost some damage.
Nobody got hurt. The taxi ran away. And i just sat in my car in shock.
That's what ran throw my mind that moment:
1. If the car before me start to drive in time, that taxi might hit me and i wouldn't be around to tell about it.
2. If they started to go when i flickered the light or drive faster when i honked they wouldn't be alive right now.
3. Could this be my fault since i made them start driving?
That's when a chick came out of the driver sit. They were 5 in the car. And that's was an expensive ride (thank god of parents with money, eh?).
We drove next to them to see if they are all fine. Sure they was, and act nasty. But that's another story.
My bro said that this was the most fun he had in weeks.
I thought he might be right. It's mostly the taxi's fault, but even if you have green light you need to look sideways, so it's partly the driver's fault.
She was probably high (alcohol or drugs), but that made her sober again.
That wasn't the first time it happened, nor the last.
And most definitely not the first time i saw that in my own eyes.
I never start driving without checking both sides twice.
People are stupid, and i still like to live.
Uhm, no, it's not their fault at all if the taxi ran a red light. It's 100%, nay, 110% the taxi's fault. You might feel like a superhuman, but you're still gonna get hit if you're in the middle of an intersection and a bonehead decides to run it.
I'm glad you're okay, though!
20/4/07 22:38
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