I'm probably won't stick with it cuz of the lazyness but i got time now so there...


So How Do Friends Becomes, Well, Friends?

So i was thinking to myself those past few days about friends.
I don't mean about guy and girl friendship that could or couldn't end in marriage.
What I'm talking about is how people all around become friends. This friendship thingy.
The thing is that, you interact with people all your life. In school, at work, army even, parties and so on.
You hanging with people all the time, and most of the time when you leave, it's all over.
They are just friends to the circumstance. They are friends as long as you and them are in the same place.
Mostly it's in the work place. You have colleague, you hang with them, you go to office parties, you go drinking together. Stuff like that.
Then you leave, or somebody else leave, and that was it. You don't talk anymore.
You don't call them, they don't call you. They were friends as long as you were together.
But that's it, all is over. It's not like if you'll see them around you won't say hi and ask how are things, it's just you won't do things together like before.
Every once in a while you talk to somebody, even once, and the next thing you know is that you doing stuff even if you're not in the same framework.
It just happen. You had other "friends", but you kept in touch with the other one.
You used to be a group of people, but now only one or tow left. Everybody go their separate way, but one or two, just hang in that thing call friendship.
All I'm saying is that you don't choose your friends. It's just something that happen.

Can't really explain that. There isn't something constant or fixed, just one of those things.
You could have everything in common or just one.
You could known each other long time or brief moment.
But you couldn't be in a feud or in love (although some could, but that's because they have mental issues).

You have friends, some are great, some are less. But they are still your friends.
And you just don't have any idea why them and not others.

So what's a better thing to do than invite all and do a party. :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Quite a well-composed post...only thing I can say is invite those who are close to u and have a nice time with one another...close to u in the sense not those who have left u after leaving the association or institution u were involved in...who have been with u when u needed them...close friends...drop ur ideas at my blog if u wish...I'm ur trip to my blog wont be dissappointing...best wishes :)

12/3/07 13:02


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