The Chronicles Of Digi (The Digital Camera)
Year: Midish 2006
Place: Somewhere in the facility of the US of A
Date: Cameras can't tell time
Final Destination: 1, cuz the other 2 sucked
Grow up in the US, not knowing it's going to travel the world.
It was a small town camera, with the ability to take a shot every 0.556 sec.
Digi is a compact camera, Born 315 g with only 16 MB SD card.

With the ability to make flash, Digi started touring the world.
It was Bought in the US by a lieutenant. This is where it all begins.
After send to a navy army base, it got a flight to Germany.
Than sprang to Kuwait, and flown by a helicopter to Iraq for several months.
Now gone back to the US, throughway (like via but in British) Germany.
But our story doesn't stop there.
No body know what's with digi these days.
It's been a month since last connection. Maybe it got lost in the US.
Today, mid-begining of 2007, Digi (the digital camera), is lost and no where to be found.
Some say it just had enough and retire to some elderly citizens' home.
Others say it found a place to relax. Most people don't say anything important, well just cuz.
But i'm sure digi will come to me at the end, like the never ending story, this one will also have a happy ending with a sequel, and maybe even a movie or 3. But unlike Harry Potter, there will be no stupid little kids that can do magic, only grown people who are stupid.
Staring Rob Schneider as Digi, Ashton Kutcher as The Helicopter, and Adam Sandler playing The Female Lieutenant. Narration by Chris Rock, because he's funny.
So if somebody saw it or know any detail, it will be most welcome.
I can buy you an Ice-Cream if you'll find Digi.
But only vanilla, butterscotch or pecan, cuz I just like the rest less.
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