Back in the days:
It all started when i was a little kid sitting at home watching TV.
All of a sudden a knock on the door. I got up to open (in the middle of The Transformers, DAMN). what else could i do?
So i opened the door and there where this 2 guys there with white straitjackets.
They asked me if i want to come with them to have some fun. I looked at the TV but my show was over, so i said yes (had nothing better to do).
They took me to this place with many rooms and they show me room #17.
I got in.
That's when they said i could play as long as i wanted in the room and once i got tired i should knock the secret code and they would let me out.
The walls were upholstered so i started yelling: "Woo oho!!", and jumped around.
After some time (i don't know how) i had enough and wanted to go home.
That's when i realized that they never gave me the secret knock. DAMN THEM!
I tried some knocks and it didn't help.
I started shouting: "Let me out! It's all a mistake!", but still nothing.
That's when i resolved to crying... and how i cried... rivers of tears.
But once again - nothing.
After a while... I think a few years later... after I had tried lots of knocking types...
I got it.
They opened the door and sent me back home.
YEA - I won, you lose.
>I got back home and turned on the TV.
Everything changed.
No more transformers... no more than stupid 2 channels.
There was lots of stuff to see and the most amazing thing:
I could see ppl singing on the telie.
So i listened to some great songs and then this band came on...they were evil
with their "Song 2"
They copycatted me from the time I was in room 17
The jumping on the wall
The woo oho-ing
They were going to pay for it!!
So i sued them
I lost...
Having left nothing but the memories
this was a lesson for me... never trust ppl with straitjackets, they will never do you good... never!
But what can we do?
Mommy! ... Deliver me from this weirdo
7/9/06 16:40
8-( WTF? Room #17 has your name on it.
8/9/06 23:59
hehe.... u crazy
12/9/06 12:07
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